Commercial Fridge Tips

Commercial fridges benefit from some general safety and maintenance tips. This is to protect from any damage or injury whilst using them.

Keeping your commercial fridge regularly maintained will also mean they will have a long working life without breaking down or needing repairs.

1. Wipe Down and Clean Fridge at the End of Every Shift

Fridges should be regularly cleaned and disinfected to prevent any build-up of bacteria and germs. If possible a display fridge should be cleaned every day.

Wipe down the surfaces of the fridge and remove any food or crumbs that have materialized through the day.

The same also goes for any handles or contact points that people regularly touch.

2. Monitor Your Food Guidelines and Their Sell-By-Dates

Food that is past its sell-by date can harbour and develop bacteria, even in a refrigerated setting. Always comply with food guidelines with any type of food and get rid of any food that has gone off or expired.

Have food that is clearly labelled with its sell-by date so you don’t end up with bacteria growing in your fridge that could be dangerous to customers.

3. Clean Up Spillages and Waste

Accidents happen in kitchens and food environments. Spilt milk or bits of food are common when moving stuff in and out of commercial fridges.

However, if a spillage occurs don’t just wait until the end of the day to clean it. Spilt dairy products and meats can easily spoil when left uncovered and develop unpleasant aromas.

These aromas can even get into the other foods that are stored in your commercial fridge. Be vigilant in mopping up any large spills or leaks, the last thing you want is to serve your customers an unpleasant end product.

Buying Commercial Fridges: Where Can I Find Out More?

We hope this guide on everything to do with commercial fridges has given you plenty of things to consider.

A commercial fridge is one of the most important pieces of equipment in any food-related business. Make sure to choose the right one for your needs!

If you want to find out any more information about the range of commercial fridges we have on offer, contact us directly.

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